Do you ever think of learning the English language and search for How to learn English at home step by step?
If yes, then you are in the right place. Here I am sharing the complete guide on How to learn English step by step in 2021. But before moving to the detailed information, let’s briefly discuss.
Some of the advantages and disadvantages of learning English language.
Resources say A person with a set of English language skills excels in the competitive business world, compared to someone who does not have the communication skills,
The English language skills can help him accessing unlimited content and securing better job opportunities.
Generally, most of us learn spoken English during school days or college days In India, and those who didn’t learn English in those days learn after stepping into the corporate world.
One’s a person starts doing a job or business, he realizes that to succeed in a career, business, and life, he needs to learn English. Then he starts learning English,
Read this for more info: Why English is important for Student & Career [Job]
My personal advice for a Student, Employee, and Businessman should at least learn and improve his or her English reading and understanding skills.
The core reason is if they have at least reading and understanding the capabilities of English, they can access lots of great books, talk and improve their professional & personal life easily and quickly.
there is a saying
“It is always better to learn from other’s mistakes rather than learning it the hard way”
Now come back to the question How to speak English! Yes, this post is all about learning spoken English.
But before we explain a step-by-step guide to learn English.
Let me tell you that
Some people set a blind belief in their mind that speaking English fluently is not possible for them because they did not learn this skill in their childhood.
If you think so, then please stop that myth right now.
My dear English is just a language, and It can be learned in any face of life, and experts say English is an easy language to learn.
OK Let’s understand by an example,
Have you noticed whenever a person goes to any other state or country
where his local language is not spoken? After some while, he becomes able to speak an unknown language without studying. Then think, Why you can’t speak English! Although you read, write and understand English.
In this world, everything can be learned, and Spoken English is not an exception. English is also a language like Hindi and others,
You only have to work honestly and consistently towards learning as well as improving your English. You do not need to go anywhere to learn English,
I have written a step-by-step guide for beginners to learn spoken English you must read this post till the end.
So let’s start,
Page Contents
5 Easy Steps To Learn and Improve The English Language
# Have A Clear Vision
Before getting an answer to your question “How can I learn spoken English”,
The First step should be finding a strong reason why you need to improve your language skills. Try to find a clear vision for speaking fluent English,
Let’s take an example of how an Engineer can find a reason for learning Spoken English.
Just for an example: If you are an engineer working in XYZ company, then your purpose of speaking English may be to speak with your reporting manager or management team. Or your purpose of speaking fluent English may be for asking promotion or attending meetings with clients outside of your location,
Or your purpose may be to attending the next interview. Purpose differs from person to person. You have to ask yourself, Why do you want to learn the English language!
Why do you want to be fluent in the English language?
There is a saying “The bigger the why the easier the how”.
Without a sense of purpose, it is difficult to be focused and consistent during the learning process.
Learning with a sense of purpose gives you the motivation to stay on the path, even if you find yourself losing interest in learning spoken English.
Do you have a specific purpose?
Make sure that it’s significant enough to motivate you to keep on moving forward throughout your language learning journey.
Why don’t you read this article detailing the Importance of English language in India?
# Reading
Reading is the easiest and best way to learn and improve any language,
But most of the beginners ignore to concentrate on reading skills,
Dear, it’s really difficult to speak English fluently and confidently without improving my reading skills.
You may have heard a quotation,
“As children, we learn to read, and As adults, we read to learn“
While reading, you will learn new words and phrases, and revise words that you already knew,
You will learn to analyze basic grammar and correct your pronunciation over time.
But most of the beginners get stuck at the beginning and feel bored while reading, thus they don’t bother to try again.
Do you know why they stuck?
Because they start by reading something is hard for beginners or something they don’t like.
What I suggest, read about things that interest you or are meaningful for you.
You yourself know what will keep you going so that you form a reading habit. I will recommend you to read Storybooks, Comics, and Blogs,
In my case, I started reading magazines for children named Champak and some English storybooks from classes 3 to 5.
If you like reading the newspaper, then you can read an English newspaper. But start by reading the news you like or feel fun to read like: you like sport then you can go to the sports section in the newspaper and start reading If you like Movie gossip or news you can jump to that section and start reading that.
In the beginning, don’t force yourself to read what you don’t like or feel enjoyable.
I will suggest if you are a beginner, then you don’t need to learn English by reading the news at the binging. Instead, start with something you like or feel is easy & fun to read.
Vocabulary (Word Meaning).
Words play an essential role in learning and improving Language skills. You need to master English vocabulary to speak good English. In the beginning, try to collect simple and common words & phrases and then find their meaning note down somewhere in a notebook.
Do not spend much time collecting every word in the initial stage; instead, go for simple and most common words and phrases that are used in conversation.
Wordstock is necessary to speak fluent English.
# Writing
Writing is also one of the essential exercises for language learning. You need to pay attention to writing as well as reading.
In the beginning, try to make a short sentence with simple words.
For example, I play, He read, They write,
Try to make and then write two or three words sentences at the starting, I know you may be thinking that He read is not grammatically correct. Yes, He Read is not grammatically correct,
The correct answer will be “He reads” But at the begging of learning spoken English, you don’t need to focus much on grammatical mistakes.
Most beginners stop or skip this writing step due to the fear of grammar/grammatical mistakes.
“A language is used to express our feelings and Grammar is used to make the language more meaningful and beautiful”
Don’t stop and skip writing,
Write some easy sentences every day and then try to correct them by checking the sentences on
Google translate,, or you can get it checked by someone who knows English.
Grammar is the way of arranging words to make proper sentences word covers, verbs, and Tenses, Noun, Adverbs, etc.
Do you need to study grammar to learn the English language! Not really,
But If you are serious about learning the English language then Yes, You need to study grammar at least the basics one.
let’s take a sentence and speak in English with and without grammar use.
मैं कल वहां गया था.
Without grammar: I go there yesterday.
With grammar: I went there yesterday.
if you see the intention of both sentences are almost the same, but
a sentence with grammar looks pretty sweet.
Grammar makes the sentences more beautiful, and It helps you to learn the English language more quickly and efficiently.
# Listening
Listening is a vital skill for language learning,
If I ask what is the most common form of communication Speaking, Listening, Writing or Reading? You might think the correct answer is Speaking, but It’s not It is Listening.
Listening is crucial and the most important tips of all given above, An English spoken learner can not skip or ignore this vital step anyhow,
“Learning a language always begins with listening”
so for being fluent in English, you have to focus on listening carefully,
Have you ever noticed or observed the learning process of a non-native second language learner?
A non-native speaker who learns a second language often goes through the learning process, which involves listening and speaking.
First, he listens carefully to every word that has been spoken in front of him.
After some time(days) he starts repeating the words that he listens,
In the initial stage, He speaks some short sentences and commits some minor mistakes, and corrects those mistakes by listening to the other people around him.
Later making a consistent effort Then he starts talking. All without reading or writing.
This is the process,
So in order to learn and improve language, You must have to pay attention to listening.
# Speaking
Till now, you have learned reading writing, and listening. Now it’s time to speak.
You have to learn to speak, and by then you will be fluent. Speaking is one of the most successful strategies of learning & improving a language.
I assume/hope you have increased your vocabulary stocks, as well as you have learned basic grammar.
, for example, Tense, & Models, etc. and you can make short and long sentences. Now, you have to work on your speaking skills.
Start speaking.
Pick any general topic for example sports, friends, books, etc., or any question-based topic like what is the importance of the internet, your favorite actor, etc. take any topic and talk(speak) about that topic for 3 to 5 minutes.
Speak even if you say non-sense or you say something unrelated to the topic, It does not matter a lot just speak in only in English for 3 to 5 minutes.
Speak slowly and slowly, there is no need to rush, slowly and slowly make sentences but only in English. Do not try to translate from your native language into English.
I will explain why you should not translate from your native to the English language later in this post,
relax slowdown and lets the words flow
I understand it is a little difficult to speak or talk in mind on a topic for 3 to 5 minutes.
# Bonus Tips 1.
Think in English
You may have heard experts saying think in English, try to think only in English.
But Many learners spacially beginners do not think in English. They start translating words from their native language into English in their minds.
It takes a lot of time and does not improve English spoken skills much.
If you are doing this, you need to stop translating words from your native language into English while speaking. In order to speak English fluently and naturally.
Let’s understand what happens when we try to translate words or sentences from our native language into English while speaking English.
Translation takes time, Obviously, if you are translating words in your mind, this will take time because translation takes time.
For example: If you ask me what is the best book to start learning English for Beginners.
If I answer by translating the words from my native language to English,
First I will have to think about the answer in my native language,
Like (वैसे तो बहुत सारी अच्छी बुक्स बाजार में उपलब्ध है, लेकिन मैं R.P Sinha की किताब How to translate into English Beginners को Recommend करूँगा)
Then I will have to translate the words from my native language into English.
Like (There are many good books in the market, but for beginners, I will recommend R.P Sinha’s book How to translate into English.)
Note: R.P Sinha’s Book How to translate into English is only available in Hindi (हिंदी) version, so If anyone doesn’t know Hindi then he should not go for that book.
Translation needs time it doubles the work, and it takes longer for your brain to do this.
And most importantly, it won’t sound natural.
So learn to think in English at least practice for 2 minutes every day by talking to yourself on a mirror or camera.
But remember when you are practicing speaking English do not let your mind translate your words from your native language into English.
I know it is a little hard, but only at the beginning, Once you trained your mind, words will come naturally.
Bonus Tip: Find someone who also wants to learn and improve his English.
We all professionals know the importance of English, and many of us want to learn what we need to do. Find someone who wants to improve his English that maybe your friend or your brother with whom you can practice.
# Bonus Tips 2.
Practice, practice practice: Practice makes great. Do practice constantly and look for opportunities to read(information in English), write(message in English), watch(videos in English), and talk in English.
In the above post, we talked about the four main aspects of a language, Reading, Writing, Listening & Speaking. many of us put more effort into speaking only,
You should practice all four aspects on a daily basis because all aspects are interconnected.
“Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” -Winston Churchill
I’m so happy to read this blog, because there are so many tips to learn. Thank you sir….
I’m so happy to read this blog, because there are so many tips to learn. Thank you sir….